Archive for the ‘Prevention Corner- TV Show’ Category

Church Security: Does your church have a plan?

Thursday, March 31st, 2022

Over the past ten, (10) years faith communities have become targets for acts of violence and sadly acts of assaults on children, most faith communities have had to address these incidents after they have occurred. We can’t run from the realities of violence that we are seeing in our communities, schools, and faith communities. Addressing these concerns starts with the leadership and is embraced with an action plan.

As a Pastor’s son and growing up in the C.O.G.I.C. and now working with faith leaders of all domination through my position in law enforcement as the (civilian ) Public Safety Community Coordinator, in Pittsfield Twp. MI, I’ve put those thirty (30) years of training into assisting others with providing presentations on establishing “Church Security Teams”. There are many legal challenges that every organization will face and we strive to help to make sure that information is shared to help address specific concerns with your legal counsel, insurance carriers, and your faith communities security team.

I currently serve as the Legislative Liasion for the Crime Prevention Association of MI ( CPAM ) and host a blog for state organizations that can be found at I have video interviews and resources on ID Theft and Fraud scams, personal safety, Internet Safety, and more.

Be blessed, keep your flock “Safe from harm and danger”!

The Prevention Corner TV Show – 2022,Peg

Monday, May 20th, 2013

The Prevention Corner TV Show which originates in Ann Arbor MI has prepared the groundwork to move programs and new LiveStream segments to my channel.  Our new email address is

This move will provide Public Access Channels across the country access to the program. The Prevention Corner’s Youtube Channel has all of the programs posted and you can also find those programs on Google+’s as well.

Rich Coleman~ CD Cover “Let’s Give them HOPE”

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Rich Coleman